Louisiana Census Data Comparison Tool


Ranking Parishes by Diversity Index (last updated July 1, 2024)

There are 20 records sorted in ascending order.

The Diversity Index is a scale of 0 to 100 that represents the likelyhood that two persons, chosen at random from the same area, belong to different race or ethnic groups. If an area's entire population belongs to one race AND one ethnic group, then the area has zero diversity. An area's diversity index increases to 100 when the population is evenly divided into two or more race/ethnic groups.

Parish Diversity Index
1. Cameron Parish 22.2
2. Caldwell Parish 38.5
3. Beauregard Parish 38.6
4. West Carroll Parish 39.0
5. Jefferson Davis Parish 40.6
6. Acadia Parish 42.2
7. Grant Parish 42.8
8. Vermilion Parish 43.8
9. Livingston Parish 44.0
10. East Carroll Parish 45.9
11. West Feliciana Parish 48.8
12. Franklin Parish 51.0
13. Lafourche Parish 51.1
14. LaSalle Parish 51.6
15. Madison Parish 52.1
16. Jackson Parish 52.8
17. Washington Parish 52.8
18. Assumption Parish 53.7
19. St. Martin Parish 53.9
20. Union Parish 53.9


Louisiana Census Data Comparison Tool

Compare Louisiana July 1, 2024 Data
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